Okinawa Best Local Guide

Okinawa Best Local Guide

Emerald Beach・エメラルドビーチ

The aquarium that has the largest number of visitors in Japan, which is known without saying!! A big whale shark was swimming. There are many places in the ocean park that you can enjoy besides the aquarium! いわずと知れた日本で一番来客数が多い水族館!大きなジンベイザメが泳いでいます。海洋公園内にあり水族館以外にも楽しめる場所がたくさんあります☆
543 habitants recommandent
Aquarium d'Okinawa Churaumi
424 Ishikawa
543 habitants recommandent
The aquarium that has the largest number of visitors in Japan, which is known without saying!! A big whale shark was swimming. There are many places in the ocean park that you can enjoy besides the aquarium! いわずと知れた日本で一番来客数が多い水族館!大きなジンベイザメが泳いでいます。海洋公園内にあり水族館以外にも楽しめる場所がたくさんあります☆
To feel the history of Ryukyu Kingdom was place! Okinawa's original culture was carefully preserved! 沖縄の歴史を感じる城です!琉球王国の置かれていた、歴史を感じることができます!
389 habitants recommandent
Château de Shurijo
1 Chome-2 Shurikinjocho
389 habitants recommandent
To feel the history of Ryukyu Kingdom was place! Okinawa's original culture was carefully preserved! 沖縄の歴史を感じる城です!琉球王国の置かれていた、歴史を感じることができます!
There is a lot of attractions in Ocean Expo Park with Churaumi Aquarium located near the Motobu Port☆One of them is the "native house" here. It is a mecca of typhoon in the Okinawan climate, so the roof tiles are solidified with stucco and made steadily. The high floor type prevents high temperature and humidity! 本部港近くにある美ら海水族館のある海洋博公園には、見どころがたくさん☆その中の一つがここ「郷土館」です!民家をそのまま保存して見学させてくれます!沖縄の風土では台風のメッカなので屋根瓦がしっくいで固めてあって堅実に造ってあったり、高床式なのは高温多湿を防ぐ方法が見られます!
39 habitants recommandent
Okinawa Village
529 Ishikawa
39 habitants recommandent
There is a lot of attractions in Ocean Expo Park with Churaumi Aquarium located near the Motobu Port☆One of them is the "native house" here. It is a mecca of typhoon in the Okinawan climate, so the roof tiles are solidified with stucco and made steadily. The high floor type prevents high temperature and humidity! 本部港近くにある美ら海水族館のある海洋博公園には、見どころがたくさん☆その中の一つがここ「郷土館」です!民家をそのまま保存して見学させてくれます!沖縄の風土では台風のメッカなので屋根瓦がしっくいで固めてあって堅実に造ってあったり、高床式なのは高温多湿を防ぐ方法が見られます!
It is near from Churaumi Aquarium, and I can go on foot and also a sightseeing car! It's really emerald color of beach!!! 美ら海水族館から近く、歩いても遊覧車でも行けます! 本当にエメラルドカラーのビーチ!
68 habitants recommandent
Emerald Beach
68 habitants recommandent
It is near from Churaumi Aquarium, and I can go on foot and also a sightseeing car! It's really emerald color of beach!!! 美ら海水族館から近く、歩いても遊覧車でも行けます! 本当にエメラルドカラーのビーチ!
Recommend to be there little bit early before staring the show If you don't go early, you'll be on the verge!! There is a joint performance of a 40-year-old parent dolphin and a child dolphin!! I think that the degree of perfection and the composition are wonderful among the many dolphin shows. And its free entrance so that MUST to GO! 早めに行かないと立ち見になるので注意が必要です! 芸歴40年の親イルカと子供イルカの共演が観れます! 数あるイルカショーの中でも完成度、構成が見事です!また、無料なので必見!
Théâtre Okichan
Recommend to be there little bit early before staring the show If you don't go early, you'll be on the verge!! There is a joint performance of a 40-year-old parent dolphin and a child dolphin!! I think that the degree of perfection and the composition are wonderful among the many dolphin shows. And its free entrance so that MUST to GO! 早めに行かないと立ち見になるので注意が必要です! 芸歴40年の親イルカと子供イルカの共演が観れます! 数あるイルカショーの中でも完成度、構成が見事です!また、無料なので必見!
Recommend from the people who really want to go to the sea as it is near from Naha city center. There were a lot of tents where we could have barbecues, and there were facilities where we could get snacks! 宜野湾海浜公園にあるビーチ☆ 那覇市内中心部からも近いので海に行きたい方にはとてもお薦めできます!バーベキュースポットがたくさんあり、また軽食が取れる施設もあります!
79 habitants recommandent
Tropical Beach
4-chōme-2-1 Mashiki
79 habitants recommandent
Recommend from the people who really want to go to the sea as it is near from Naha city center. There were a lot of tents where we could have barbecues, and there were facilities where we could get snacks! 宜野湾海浜公園にあるビーチ☆ 那覇市内中心部からも近いので海に行きたい方にはとてもお薦めできます!バーベキュースポットがたくさんあり、また軽食が取れる施設もあります!
The park had a wide view. Colorful birds were seen in the bird zone and it was fun. There was a stamp rally for children so that it would be fun for especially families!!! Can do pineapple tasting!!! 園内は、広く見ごたえ十分!!!バードゾーンではカラフルな鳥が見られます☆子供向けのスタンプラリーもあり、家族連れは必見!パイナップルの試食ができます!
44 habitants recommandent
Okinawa Fruits Land
1220-71 Biimata
44 habitants recommandent
The park had a wide view. Colorful birds were seen in the bird zone and it was fun. There was a stamp rally for children so that it would be fun for especially families!!! Can do pineapple tasting!!! 園内は、広く見ごたえ十分!!!バードゾーンではカラフルな鳥が見られます☆子供向けのスタンプラリーもあり、家族連れは必見!パイナップルの試食ができます!