
Wind Cave

3 personnes du coin recommandent,
Mesa, AZ

Conseils des habitants

September 30, 2022
A fun hike with beautiful desert views. About 45 min- 1 hour to hike up it
September 3, 2022
Fun hike nearby with a great view at the top!
July 18, 2021
This is a hike up to the top so don't think of it if you are not in decent shape. Lots of rugged trails and some climbing over boulders, but I have done it with kids over 12 in tow. The view from the top is wonderful. It is high, and it is hot here, so bring way more water than you think that you need.

Wind Cave avec les Expériences Airbnb

Découvrez ce monument emblématique grâce aux expériences Airbnb, des activités en petit groupe animées par des gens du coin.
Méditation sonore sous les étoiles du désert
Leçon de pilotage en biplan à cockpit ouvert
Admirez les chevaux sauvages en kayak