Activités uniques à District de Faro

Activités uniques à District de Faro

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Activités les mieux notées

Les sept vallées suspendues
Stunning Views, caves and a sunset awaits you on the Algarves southern coast. The Seven Hanging Valleys Trail is arguably the most stunning stretch of the southern Algarves coastline and following it allows us to see unique views of this awesome coastal landscape. We'll take our time, walking the trail one way from Vale Centianes Beach to a sunset tapas style dinner at Praia da Marinha. Along the way you'll see some of the most amazing natural sea stacks, sinkholes, complex limestone caves and a mix of turquoise ocean and warm-coloured cliffs. We'll have the opportunity to stop off and explore more areas in more detail depending on conditions. We have experience in this area and can show you spots you'd likewise miss out on seeing! Our last destination, and the spot for our sunset (homemade) dinner will be at Praia da Marinha. Marinha is considered one of the most iconic beaches in the Algarve. It's considered by the Michelin Guide as one of the 10 most beautiful beaches in Europe and as one of the 100 most beautiful beaches in the world.​ Feel free to swim while we prepare the dinner! From here we will drive you back to Lagos. Other things to note Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements, any injuries etc. We will be able to cater to your needs, we just need to know in advance to make the necessary changes.
Cours d'équitation en Algarve
*** WEIGHT LIMIT 90KG *** Me and my wife are the only ones in Algarve taking the horses directly to the place of the trail ride instead of just riding around the stables. The ride we provide in this experience takes place through the woods and along the coastline of João Darens, called by many "the last green spot where the woods kiss the ocean". Two easy steps to enjoy this experience : we will send you the coordenates when you book the experience and we will meet you there with the horses, ready to go! Other things to note: I am a horse lover therefore I have an animal friendly policy, my horses don't use any metal bits on their mouths, unless they are still in training, only work two hours a day five days a week and my guests must be under 90kg. No experience with horses is required as no trots or canters are involved in this scenic ride.
Aventure en kayak à Lagos
We reviewed safety procedures and internal hygiene protocols, and as a result of this work, Turismo de Portugal recognized Lagos Adventure, a safe Travel and Tourism Agency. The kayaking activity it's really amazing. Check-in: Our meeting point for Kayak Tour is at the Gate "ABCD" at Marina de Lagos - in front of (Pizza Hut restaurant). Tour: We start in Marina de Lagos, on board a catamaran. We leave the Harbor of Lagos (Marina de Lagos), and along the way we do a little briefing to teach/remind you how to maneuver the kayak, explain all the instructions about how to behave on the water, and what you can expect during the sightseeing. You leave the boat already seat on the kayak and the catamaran will be by your side to support everybody in case you want to come back for any reason. In the kayak tour, the guide will provide detailed information about the beaches, caves, and curious shapes in the rock formations. At the end of the tour, we come back to the catamaran with the kayaks to relax a few minutes, jump on the water and swim around the boat. For the Tour, we need 2 hours and 30 minutes - from leaving the harbor to coming back again. This activity depends on the weather and Sea Conditions. If is not safe I can cancel the Tour. You can leave your mobile or camera on the support boat if you think is not safe on the kayak. The Kayaks are double, you can share the effort.
Excursion en paddle à l'aube vers les grottes de Ponta da Piedade
Our SUP tours will take you to enjoy the beautiful coastline of Lagos in one of the most impressive and stunning locations to experience stand up paddleboarding. We will provide you a introduction lesson/briefing before entering in the water. After that we wil take you on a tour where you will discover all the secret hidden caves, grotto's and lagoons with crystal clear water. An experience that you will never forget! Other things to note Certified SUP Instructors. All customers covered by Insurance. Bookings subject to change depending weather conditions.
Promenade avec des chevaux de sauvetage près de Lagos
We will go on a walk with our rescue horses. On this walk we will guide you into your own power by taking the horse on a lead. Walking with horses has everything to do with clear and gentle communication and we will help you to establish that. Horses are mirrors of the soul and they reflect your actual State of Being. For some, the reflection of the horse is a real eye opener and for some the walk is pure pleasure. But whatever the horses have in mind for you, you will leave here fulfilled and satisfied. This experience is very suitable for people who are/have been afraid for horses but would love to get (back) in touch with them. After the (safety) introduction at the State of Being Sanctuary, we step into the field and you can choose the horse that attracts you most, or you will be chosen by a horse. While walking, we might reflect on things that I notice in you while being with a horse. This can be an insightful experience. But the main thing is going for the walk in the beautiful hills around Barão de São João. Halfway the walk we take a little break where you can sip some of your own brought drink before we head back. Most people leave here with a feeling of wellness, fulfillment and happy. If a 2 hour walk isn't enough; I also organize 5 day journeys through the West Algarve with a horse by your side. Contact Sakshin. Looking forward to walk with you.

Découvrez la plage locale

Yoga sur la plage
From one of the most stunning beachside locations in Lagos, we will begin with some breathwork and mindfulness to set the tone for the hatha yoga practice that follows. All this is catered to your current state of health and fitness and is suitable even for beginners. Your entire experience will last 1.5 hours and will top off with some yummy fresh green juice. My intention is to offer you an experience that will leave you feeling refreshed, renewed and revived as we take in and tap into all the beauty and magic that mother nature has to offer us here, for free. The experience wraps up with a deep relaxation practice and a gentle shoulder massage. A fabulous way to start your day!
Séance photo au coucher du soleil
Encontramo-nos no parque de estacionamento da Ponta do João de Aréns, onde vamos fazer uma caminhada até à falésia. Vão poder apreciar uma das melhores vistas do Algarve e um por do sol lindíssimo, enquanto isso eu vou fotografar-vos. Receberão as melhores fotografias editadas profissionalmente em formato digital. Outras observações - O preço é por pessoa. - Para casais, a sessão é sempre privada. - Se você é um viajante individual / grupo que deseja uma sessão privada, entre em contato comigo. - O meu estilo fotográfico é natural. - O horário da sessão é sempre ajustado ao pôr do Sol. Dê uma olhada no meu IG @carolinaoverseaproject e fique à vontade para me fazer qualquer pergunta.
Benagil : visite des grottes et plages sauvages
Prepare-se para explorar os tesouros naturais das Grutas de Benagil, escondidos ao longo da bela costa do Algarve. O seu passeio guiado de 1 hora até Benagil começará em Armação de Pêra. Suba a bordo de um barco novo e confortável, onde eu e a minha simpática equipa o levaremos a descobrir o litoral algarvio. Ao longo do caminho até à Gruta de Benagil, passaremos por mais 10 grutas e cerca de 8 praias selvagens, muitas acessíveis apenas pelo mar! A costa entre Armação de Pêra e Benagil é simplesmente linda e definitivamente merece a viagem! Leve sua câmara para capturar a paisagem única da região do Algarve. O destaque deste passeio será definitivamente a incrível gruta de Benagil. Certifique-se que não perde esta experiência! Outras observações - Pode levar todos os seus pertences consigo no barco (desde que não incomode os outros hóspedes). - Ao entrar para o barco pode molhar os pés. - Pet Friendly
Paddle à Albufeira : grottes et falaises
À chegada, todos os clientes e instrutores terão de seguir as normas de distanciamento social e de higiene, incluindo o uso de máscara e desinfeção das mãos. Antes de entrarmos para a água, os clientes podem retirar as suas máscaras, pois estarão isolados na sua prancha. O passeio inicia-se com uma breve aula na praia e após todos estarem equipados, entramos na água e começamos a treinar a remada. Quando todos já estão confortáveis, começamos o passeio pela costa, explorando as falésias, praias escondidas e grutas que existem na costa de Albufeira.
SURF à Albufeira
Albufeira tem praia com ótimas condições para a prática e aprendizagem de Surf. As nossas aulas são ajustadas em função do nível dos alunos, onde poderá optar por uma aula privada ou de grupo. AULAS DE SURF EM GRUPO: As aulas em grupo são uma forma divertida de aprender a Surfar. Junte-se a um grupo ou traga os seus amigos e nós planeamos a diversão.

District de Faro : expériences les plus populaires

Passeio de caiaque gruta de Benagil e seus tesouros naturais
Fornecer aos clientes um agradável passeio de kayak/caiaque pelas mais belas grutas e paisagens da costa algarvia, apreciando algumas grutas e praias selvagens, bem como a vida marinha e aspetos geológicos desta região. o hóspede será sempre acompanhado por um guía turistico local com vários anos de experiência e formação especializada para garantir assim toda a segurança. Está prometido que serão momentos mágicos inesquecíveis...
Grottes et dauphins depuis la marina d'Albufeira
Departing from Albufeira Marina, we will visit 18 km of coastline, we will visit many caves including Benagil, we will stop to take pictures but do not go out of the boat. After discovering the coast, get ready for the quest to search for dolphins, they are wild and we do not guarantee their sight since they are on their own habitat. Our goal regarding the watching is that the dolphins come to see you, always respecting the animals and all the norms related to the observation of cetaceans. You will enjoy a scenic view of the coast and have the opportunity to contemplate wildlife, such as various species of birds, flying fish and maybe even sharks. The adventure lasts up to 2h30, in semi-rigid fast boats that take up to 12 or 18 passengers for 2 crew members. We do not admit children under 5 years old and pregnant. (Please note that the dolphins are wild animals in their natural habitat we can not guarantee their sitting. Other things to note: (Check in 30m prior to departure (Albufeira Marina , Seacret Tours Office ) No show until departure time not refunded. No changes to bookings with less 24h and no refund. Bring warm clothes can be cold on the sea.
Circuit des grottes entières et visites côtières
Prix réduits disponibles ! Rejoignez notre visite avec une réduction de 25 %, fournie par une entreprise certifiée « propre et sûre ». Notre certification est délivrée par « Turismo de Portugal ». Embarquez pour ce voyage incroyable à partir de Portimão. Rencontrez notre équipe à la jetée de São Francisco, près du Clube Naval de Portimão, où nous vous accueillerons chaleureusement et vous fournirons des instructions de sécurité essentielles. Notre aventure nous emmène à la célèbre grotte de Benagil. En route, émerveillez-vous devant les églises, les châteaux, les superbes grottes et même les plus étranges, tout en écoutant des contes captivants. Gardez les yeux ouverts pour nos sympathiques dauphins – équipés de la radio VHF, nos navires surveillent le même canal que les bateaux d'observation des dauphins, assurant une grande chance de les repérer à moins de 2 miles nautiques. Attendez-vous à une expérience exaltante et éducative au-delà d'une excursion en bateau typique. Sentez votre montée d'adrénaline, entendez le « woooh » retentissant dans les grottes et profitez de la joie dans votre cœur ! Veuillez arriver au moins 20 minutes avant le départ. Pour les réservations de groupe, veuillez préciser les réservations individuelles appartenant à votre groupe. Nos gilets de sauvetage sont équipés pour le gonflage automatique. Une mauvaise utilisation intentionnelle entraînera des frais de 70 € par gilet de sauvetage. Bien que nous nous engageons à mettre en valeur les merveilles de notre côte, la sécurité est primordiale. Dans certains cas, les conditions de la mer peuvent empêcher l'entrée dans les grottes en toute sécurité, une décision laissée à nos skippers expérimentés et aux autorités maritimes.
Visite guidée de Benagil en kayak : grottes et lieux secrets
Nous sommes Xplore Benagil Réservez en basse saison chez nous et profitez des petits groupes et visitez les grottes de Benagil pratiquement vides tout au long de la journée ; Nous sommes l'entreprise avec le meilleur classement des visites locales, vous pouvez le confirmer dans nos commentaires ; Venez visiter la meilleure région de l'Algarve avec nous. L'expérience commencera à Benagil Beach avec notre équipe d'instructeurs de SUP et de kayaks en Algarve. Nous vous fournirons 2 heures de plaisir et de connaissances des générations locales, où nous vous emmènerons dans les endroits les plus secrets formés par la mer. Vous y visiterez les plus beaux coins de la côte de l'Algarve de la région de Benagil-Marinha, où vous pourrez plonger et flotter dans les plus belles eaux de l'Algarve. Il vous permettra d'entrer dans les grottes les plus magnifiques et uniques de la région, comme l '« Algar de Benagil », qui est le monument naturel le plus connu de l'Algarve, considéré comme la plus belle grotte au monde. Pendant la visite, nous passerons également devant les plus belles plages et grottes sauvages de la région, en sentant la taille des falaises et en regardant les chiffres qui ont été sculptés par les vagues de la mer. Si vous voulez une visite privée, le minimum requis est de 4 personnes. Toujours arriver 30 minutes à l'avance avant le début de la visite. La journée, l'heure et la durée de la visite peuvent changer en fonction de la mer et des conditions météorologiques.
Une visite à pied pas comme les autres à Faro
Much could be said about Faro—and too many hands are eager to steer that ship. Some have taken the con relying on a formula that rafts people through a narrative just as time-worn as the places it showcases. Impersonal, crowded, exhausting—and in the words of Shania Twain, “That don't impress me much”. This walk is charting a new course. It’s transforming the familiar city—with the same iconic monuments and popular spots found on any regular walking tour—into a journey that is deeply rooted and evenhanded to advertise all its glorious highs, the inspiring events, remarkable individuals and splendid artistry, while also confronting its murky lows and the neglected details of class, gender and race divide, intolerance, religious fervor and authoritarian politics. Private, genuine and passionate storytelling, grafting my extensive academic background, teaching expertise in the subject, years of personal research and personal experience as a local.

District de Faro : toutes les activités à proximité

Circuit des grottes entières et visites côtières
Prix réduits disponibles ! Rejoignez notre visite avec une réduction de 25 %, fournie par une entreprise certifiée « propre et sûre ». Notre certification est délivrée par « Turismo de Portugal ». Embarquez pour ce voyage incroyable à partir de Portimão. Rencontrez notre équipe à la jetée de São Francisco, près du Clube Naval de Portimão, où nous vous accueillerons chaleureusement et vous fournirons des instructions de sécurité essentielles. Notre aventure nous emmène à la célèbre grotte de Benagil. En route, émerveillez-vous devant les églises, les châteaux, les superbes grottes et même les plus étranges, tout en écoutant des contes captivants. Gardez les yeux ouverts pour nos sympathiques dauphins – équipés de la radio VHF, nos navires surveillent le même canal que les bateaux d'observation des dauphins, assurant une grande chance de les repérer à moins de 2 miles nautiques. Attendez-vous à une expérience exaltante et éducative au-delà d'une excursion en bateau typique. Sentez votre montée d'adrénaline, entendez le « woooh » retentissant dans les grottes et profitez de la joie dans votre cœur ! Veuillez arriver au moins 20 minutes avant le départ. Pour les réservations de groupe, veuillez préciser les réservations individuelles appartenant à votre groupe. Nos gilets de sauvetage sont équipés pour le gonflage automatique. Une mauvaise utilisation intentionnelle entraînera des frais de 70 € par gilet de sauvetage. Bien que nous nous engageons à mettre en valeur les merveilles de notre côte, la sécurité est primordiale. Dans certains cas, les conditions de la mer peuvent empêcher l'entrée dans les grottes en toute sécurité, une décision laissée à nos skippers expérimentés et aux autorités maritimes.
Passeio de caiaque gruta de Benagil e seus tesouros naturais
Fornecer aos clientes um agradável passeio de kayak/caiaque pelas mais belas grutas e paisagens da costa algarvia, apreciando algumas grutas e praias selvagens, bem como a vida marinha e aspetos geológicos desta região. o hóspede será sempre acompanhado por um guía turistico local com vários anos de experiência e formação especializada para garantir assim toda a segurança. Está prometido que serão momentos mágicos inesquecíveis...
Visite guidée de Benagil en kayak : grottes et lieux secrets
Nous sommes Xplore Benagil Réservez en basse saison chez nous et profitez des petits groupes et visitez les grottes de Benagil pratiquement vides tout au long de la journée ; Nous sommes l'entreprise avec le meilleur classement des visites locales, vous pouvez le confirmer dans nos commentaires ; Venez visiter la meilleure région de l'Algarve avec nous. L'expérience commencera à Benagil Beach avec notre équipe d'instructeurs de SUP et de kayaks en Algarve. Nous vous fournirons 2 heures de plaisir et de connaissances des générations locales, où nous vous emmènerons dans les endroits les plus secrets formés par la mer. Vous y visiterez les plus beaux coins de la côte de l'Algarve de la région de Benagil-Marinha, où vous pourrez plonger et flotter dans les plus belles eaux de l'Algarve. Il vous permettra d'entrer dans les grottes les plus magnifiques et uniques de la région, comme l '« Algar de Benagil », qui est le monument naturel le plus connu de l'Algarve, considéré comme la plus belle grotte au monde. Pendant la visite, nous passerons également devant les plus belles plages et grottes sauvages de la région, en sentant la taille des falaises et en regardant les chiffres qui ont été sculptés par les vagues de la mer. Si vous voulez une visite privée, le minimum requis est de 4 personnes. Toujours arriver 30 minutes à l'avance avant le début de la visite. La journée, l'heure et la durée de la visite peuvent changer en fonction de la mer et des conditions météorologiques.
Excursion à Benagil depuis Portimão
Embarquez pour un voyage inoubliable avec une entreprise certifiée « propre et sûre », approuvée par « Turismo de Portugal ».« Ce n'est pas seulement une excursion en bateau ; c'est une expérience par excellence pour vos vacances, créant des souvenirs inoubliables à emporter. Au départ de Portimão et en vous aventurant à la plage de Corredoura, nos adeptes Tour Guides vous régaleront avec des contes tout en explorant de magnifiques falaises, des plages isolées et des grottes mystérieuses imprégnées de traditions. Mais il y en a d'autres. Équipés de VHF Radio, nos bateaux partagent des chaînes avec des navires d'observation des dauphins, offrant la possibilité de rencontres réconfortantes avec ces créatures intelligentes dans leur espace naturel, en capturant des photos inductrices d'envie. Découvrez que l'attrait de l'Algarve s'étend au-delà de ses rivages sablonneux en plongeant dans sa riche histoire et ses traditions. Les photos, les récits et les expériences inégalées de cette expédition seront le point culminant de vos vacances. L'attribution des réserves est automatique. Si vous effectuez des réservations individuelles mais que vous faites partie d'un groupe, dites-nous quelles réservations appartiennent à votre groupe. Mettre en valeur les merveilles de notre côte est une mission que nous prenons très au sérieux. L'état de la mer peut ne pas permettre aux bateaux d'entrer dans les grottes en toute sécurité. Il s'agit d'une évaluation qui appartient à nos skippers expérimentés et aux autorités maritimes.
Les sept vallées suspendues
Stunning Views, caves and a sunset awaits you on the Algarves southern coast. The Seven Hanging Valleys Trail is arguably the most stunning stretch of the southern Algarves coastline and following it allows us to see unique views of this awesome coastal landscape. We'll take our time, walking the trail one way from Vale Centianes Beach to a sunset tapas style dinner at Praia da Marinha. Along the way you'll see some of the most amazing natural sea stacks, sinkholes, complex limestone caves and a mix of turquoise ocean and warm-coloured cliffs. We'll have the opportunity to stop off and explore more areas in more detail depending on conditions. We have experience in this area and can show you spots you'd likewise miss out on seeing! Our last destination, and the spot for our sunset (homemade) dinner will be at Praia da Marinha. Marinha is considered one of the most iconic beaches in the Algarve. It's considered by the Michelin Guide as one of the 10 most beautiful beaches in Europe and as one of the 100 most beautiful beaches in the world.​ Feel free to swim while we prepare the dinner! From here we will drive you back to Lagos. Other things to note Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements, any injuries etc. We will be able to cater to your needs, we just need to know in advance to make the necessary changes.
Dolphin Watching with Marine Biologists
Departing from Faro we will cruise through Ria Formosa towards the Atlantic Ocean in Ocean Vibes boat - “One Vibe”. Two marine biologists will guide you in this experience and search for Cetaceans (Dolphins and whales) as well as other marine wildlife. During this tour, you will also see different species of marine birds and sometimes sharks & turtles! This is a unique chance to see those incredible animals in the wild but also to learn more about them with experienced marine biologists. You will have the opportunity to learn how we collect data for research and get to know more about our Dolphin & whale projects. This activity lasts for +-2h30, however, to protect the animals from stress, we can only stay with each pod of dolphins for a maximum of 30 minutes at a time. A total of 8 people can join the activity at the same time, providing a unique familiar experience far from mass tourism. The most sighted dolphin species are the common dolphins & bottlenose dolphins. On the other hand, the most sighted whales are the Minkes and Fin whales. While we always do our best to find whales, we can only guarantee 96% chance of seeing dolphins at the moment - we do not sell whale watching tours (even thought we see them on a weekly basis). Other things to note: Not suitable for people with back problems
Cours d'équitation en Algarve
*** WEIGHT LIMIT 90KG *** Me and my wife are the only ones in Algarve taking the horses directly to the place of the trail ride instead of just riding around the stables. The ride we provide in this experience takes place through the woods and along the coastline of João Darens, called by many "the last green spot where the woods kiss the ocean". Two easy steps to enjoy this experience : we will send you the coordenates when you book the experience and we will meet you there with the horses, ready to go! Other things to note: I am a horse lover therefore I have an animal friendly policy, my horses don't use any metal bits on their mouths, unless they are still in training, only work two hours a day five days a week and my guests must be under 90kg. No experience with horses is required as no trots or canters are involved in this scenic ride.
Grottes et dauphins depuis la marina d'Albufeira
Departing from Albufeira Marina, we will visit 18 km of coastline, we will visit many caves including Benagil, we will stop to take pictures but do not go out of the boat. After discovering the coast, get ready for the quest to search for dolphins, they are wild and we do not guarantee their sight since they are on their own habitat. Our goal regarding the watching is that the dolphins come to see you, always respecting the animals and all the norms related to the observation of cetaceans. You will enjoy a scenic view of the coast and have the opportunity to contemplate wildlife, such as various species of birds, flying fish and maybe even sharks. The adventure lasts up to 2h30, in semi-rigid fast boats that take up to 12 or 18 passengers for 2 crew members. We do not admit children under 5 years old and pregnant. (Please note that the dolphins are wild animals in their natural habitat we can not guarantee their sitting. Other things to note: (Check in 30m prior to departure (Albufeira Marina , Seacret Tours Office ) No show until departure time not refunded. No changes to bookings with less 24h and no refund. Bring warm clothes can be cold on the sea.
Aventure en kayak à Lagos
We reviewed safety procedures and internal hygiene protocols, and as a result of this work, Turismo de Portugal recognized Lagos Adventure, a safe Travel and Tourism Agency. The kayaking activity it's really amazing. Check-in: Our meeting point for Kayak Tour is at the Gate "ABCD" at Marina de Lagos - in front of (Pizza Hut restaurant). Tour: We start in Marina de Lagos, on board a catamaran. We leave the Harbor of Lagos (Marina de Lagos), and along the way we do a little briefing to teach/remind you how to maneuver the kayak, explain all the instructions about how to behave on the water, and what you can expect during the sightseeing. You leave the boat already seat on the kayak and the catamaran will be by your side to support everybody in case you want to come back for any reason. In the kayak tour, the guide will provide detailed information about the beaches, caves, and curious shapes in the rock formations. At the end of the tour, we come back to the catamaran with the kayaks to relax a few minutes, jump on the water and swim around the boat. For the Tour, we need 2 hours and 30 minutes - from leaving the harbor to coming back again. This activity depends on the weather and Sea Conditions. If is not safe I can cancel the Tour. You can leave your mobile or camera on the support boat if you think is not safe on the kayak. The Kayaks are double, you can share the effort.
Randonnée sur la côte ouest : repas, vin et coucher du soleil
Discover the Algarve's wild West coast & mythical "End of the World" on an unconventional adventure deep into the Costa Vicentina Natural Park, Europe's most awesome & undiscovered coastline. My handcrafted adventure blends movement, action & discovery with wonder, relaxation & appreciation; adds laughter, learning & stories; then finishes with a special sunset foodie experience. This is truly one-of-a-kind: I follow no one else's paths or itineraries, go where no one else goes. It's not just off the beaten path, it's off the unbeaten path, too! And this is not a sightseeing tour: This is a hands-on, full-sensory journey for body, mind, soul & stomach ;) Sitting on the beach just isn't enough? This was made for you. * BONUS: Escape the heat! The West coast stays cool all summer. > OK, HERE'S THE PLAN: Every trip is unique & unpredictable, but on each we will: ESCAPE the crowds to explore the coast's most wild & remote corners. HIKE across Portugal's tallest cliffs, most dramatic landscapes & most secret beaches. LEARN the land's history up-close, using stoytelling & all our senses. SWIM in the sea, if we want. WITNESS a magical sunset from the edge of Europe. ENJOY a clifftop picnic dinner of unique Algarvian tapas & wine. RETURN home refreshed, rewarded & ready for a good night sleep :) *** DISCOVER ME on the web: "WestCoastLagos" for videos, pics & more.
Découvrez trois îles de la Ria Formosa
Uma grande experiência no Parque Natural da Ria Formosa , onde irá apreciar toda a sua natureza e fauna , e terá a oportunidade de conhecer e explorar três belos lugares , a Ilha da Culatra , a Ilha Deserta e a Comunidade do Farol. Partimos de Olhão para uma odisseia numa das 7 maravilhas naturais de Portugal , a bordo de uma embarcação segura, com todas as medidas de segurança e desinfeção , confortável e com sombra, com a lotação máxima de 10 pessoas, que permite aos seus passageiros poderem disfrutar e ter uma experiência inesquecível no belo parque natural da Ria Formosa! O passeio será interpretativo e explicativo durante a sua viagem , pelo que durante as paragens , todos são livres de exercer qualquer tipo de atividades nas respectivas ilhas , aconselhadas pelo capitão da embarcação. O almoço pode estar ou não incluído , mas posso ajudar a reservar uma mesa e aconselhar um restaurante se necessário , evitando assim estar na fila ou o tempo perdido á procura de um restaurante. Terá a oportunidade de provar a gastronomia da região na ilha da Culatra , na qual se aprecia bastante os bivalves ! ( Ameijôa , Berbigão , Ostras ) O Percurso será com 3 paragens : Armona ( 1h00 ) Culatra ( 2h00 ) - Comunidade de pescadores onde paramos para almoço Farol ( 1h00 ) - Uma bela comunidade mais turistica
Excursion en paddle à l'aube vers les grottes de Ponta da Piedade
Our SUP tours will take you to enjoy the beautiful coastline of Lagos in one of the most impressive and stunning locations to experience stand up paddleboarding. We will provide you a introduction lesson/briefing before entering in the water. After that we wil take you on a tour where you will discover all the secret hidden caves, grotto's and lagoons with crystal clear water. An experience that you will never forget! Other things to note Certified SUP Instructors. All customers covered by Insurance. Bookings subject to change depending weather conditions.
Yoga Vinyāsa sur la plage avec thé ou vin (aube ou crépuscule)
Vinyasa Flow Yoga followed by Vino or Tea! Great for small groups & hen parties! Enjoy Vinyasa flow Yoga & conscious breathing to help calm the body & bring clarity to the mind. You will be immersed in nature on the beach deck with beautiful sunset views, views of the cliffs and the beautiful ocean & beach. We will practice some mindful movement to help strengthen the body & stretch our muscles, helping to dissolve physical & mental tension in body & mind. This really helps to find more mental clarity & to reduce the fluctuations in the mind. Followed by time to chill, chat & connect with some cleansing ginger tea, 2 glasses of wine or sparkling water. Yoga class will be 1 hour 10 mins followed by time to chill & chat. (Flexible to book other times also. Contact me to request) After your experience is finished, we recommend bringing your swimwear & suncream & cooling off & dipping your toes in the nearby beach which is only 2 minutes walk away or you can enjoy your lunch in some of the nearby cafes & restaurants.
Promenade avec des chevaux de sauvetage près de Lagos
We will go on a walk with our rescue horses. On this walk we will guide you into your own power by taking the horse on a lead. Walking with horses has everything to do with clear and gentle communication and we will help you to establish that. Horses are mirrors of the soul and they reflect your actual State of Being. For some, the reflection of the horse is a real eye opener and for some the walk is pure pleasure. But whatever the horses have in mind for you, you will leave here fulfilled and satisfied. This experience is very suitable for people who are/have been afraid for horses but would love to get (back) in touch with them. After the (safety) introduction at the State of Being Sanctuary, we step into the field and you can choose the horse that attracts you most, or you will be chosen by a horse. While walking, we might reflect on things that I notice in you while being with a horse. This can be an insightful experience. But the main thing is going for the walk in the beautiful hills around Barão de São João. Halfway the walk we take a little break where you can sip some of your own brought drink before we head back. Most people leave here with a feeling of wellness, fulfillment and happy. If a 2 hour walk isn't enough; I also organize 5 day journeys through the West Algarve with a horse by your side. Contact Sakshin. Looking forward to walk with you.
Passeio de Barco na Ria Formosa ao Pôr-do-Sol em Faro
Contemple o Pôr-do-Sol no Algarve neste Passeio de Barco em Faro. Este passeio de barco no Algarve para ver o pôr-do-sol na Ria Formosa parte da Marina de Faro a bordo de um barco movido a energia solar. Os barcos solares da Lands são maravilhosamente silenciosos, o que é muito agradável para os nossos visitantes, mas também é ideal para a vida animal desta área. Este passeio de barco em Faro é uma opção amiga do ambiente, ideal para quem gosta de explorar novos lugares e garantir um impacto negativo na sua visita. Neste passeio de barco, um skipper experiente irá guiá-lo pela laguna e seus canais e sapais. Este passeio de barco é uma experiência para grupos pequenos, oferecendo uma atmosfera intimista e uma oportunidade única para desfrutar da laguna enquanto contempla as cores espectaculares do pôr-do-sol no Algarve. Aproveite para contemplar a paisagem deslumbrante do Parque Natural da Ria Formosa e a Cidade Velha de Faro enquanto desfruta do final da tarde. Se está no Algarve, este é o programa perfeito para celebrar com a sua família e amigos. Sente-se e relaxe numa visita mágica neste passeio de barco ecológico na Ria Formosa.