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Accueil responsable au Bhoutan

We’ve put together this article to help Hosts on Airbnb become familiar with hosting responsibilities, and to provide a general overview of different laws, regulations, and best practices that may affect Hosts. You’re required to follow our guidelines, like our Hosting Standards, and follow the laws and other rules that apply to your specific circumstances and locale.

When deciding whether to become an Airbnb Host, it's important for you to understand the laws in your Country/region. This list is not exhaustive and should not be considered legal advice, but it should give you a good start in understanding your local laws. If you have questions, contact the Tourist Council of Bhutan (TCB) or other Government agencies directly, or consult a local lawyer or tax professional.

Registration and certification requirements to be followed by Hosts

  • Star rated hotels:
    • Apply for a star certification from TCB and include 3 star, 4 star, or 5 star accommodation establishments (as the case may be) on your listing
    • Obtain a business license from the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA)
    • Are permitted to host tourists
  • Homestays (HS):
    • Include basic accommodation facilities largely in rural and accommodation-deficient areas
    • Obtain HS certification from TCB
    • Business license from MoEA is not required for HS
    • Permitted to host tourists

You can apply to TCB for certification by completing the application form and required documents. You will find the relevant forms on the Tourism Council of Bhutan website.

We recommend that you do your own research, as this article isn’t comprehensive and doesn’t constitute legal or tax advice. Also, as we don’t update this article in real time, please review the Tourism Council of Bhutan website as well as its Guidelines to ensure the information provided here hasn’t recently changed.

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